When you are testing your integration with Shift4, viewing request logs in your dashboard might be useful.
Test card numbers
When making requests in test mode, you must use one of the following cards to simulate a successful charge:
Card number | Card type |
4012000100000007 | Visa |
4242424242424242 | Visa |
4012888888881881 | Visa |
4000056655665556 | Visa (debit) |
4426034383518716 | Visa (GB) |
4909069612259316 | Visa (ES) |
5555555555554444 | MasterCard |
5200828282828210 | MasterCard (debit) |
5105105105105100 | MasterCard |
2222000000000008 | MasterCard |
5294008684328401 | Mastercard (GB) |
5125646148694267 | Mastercard (ES) |
6759649826438453 | Maestro |
378282246310005 | American Express |
371449635398431 | American Express |
6011111111111117 | Discover |
6011000990139424 | Discover |
30569309025904 | Diners Club |
38520000023237 | Diners Club |
3530111333300000 | JCB |
3566002020360505 | JCB |
Testing validation errors
You can use one of the following card numbers to test validation errors in test mode.
Errors can be simulated by creating a token, charge, or subscription.
Card number | Error code and description |
4024007102349866 | invalid_number - The card number is not a valid one. |
4532873294814636 | invalid_expiry_month - The card's expiration month is invalid. |
4532582477951947 | invalid_expiry_year - The card's expiration year is invalid. |
4024007189368227 | invalid_cvc - Your card's security code is invalid. |
4916487051294548 | expired_card - The card has expired. |
Testing card processing errors
In test mode, you can use one of the following card numbers to test various error responses.
Errors can be simulated only by creating a charge or subscription. Note that creating a token won’t return an error.
Card number | Error code and description |
4024007134364842 | incorrect_cvc - The card's security code failed verification. |
4929225021529113 | incorrect_zip - The card's zip code failed validation. |
4242000000000323 | incorrect_address - The card's address failed validation. |
4024007118468684 | insufficient_funds - The charge amount exceeds the available fund or the card's credit limit. |
4024007114621187 | lost_or_stolen - The card is marked as lost or stolen. |
4024007155502486 | suspected_fraud - The charge is suspected to be fraudulent. |
4916018475814056 | card_declined - The card was declined for another reason. |
4916449457024978 | authentication_required - The charge requires cardholder authentication. |
4024007114166316 | processing_error - An error occurred while processing the card. |
4242000000000083 | This card will only work when CVC is 123. Otherwise, it will return an incorrect_cvc error code. |
Testing disputes
In test mode, you can test charge disputes by creating charges with one of the following cards:
Card number | Dispute type |
4242000000000018 | Chargeback |
4242000000000026 | Retrieval request (soft chargeback) |
Note that the charge created with one of those cards won't be disputed immediately after its creation. Usually, you need to wait about 1 minute for the charge to change its status to disputed.
When testing disputes, it is also possible to simulate different dispute flows. To do this, you must enter winning_evidence
or losing_evidence
text into the uncategorized_text
Testing fraud check
In test mode, you can test fraud check by creating charges with one of the following cards:
Card number | Fraud check result |
4242000000000042 | Safe |
4242000000000059 | Suspicious |
4242000000000067 | Fraudulent |
4242000000000208 | Fraudulent (with fraud warning) |
4242000000000075 | Unknown |
Testing 3D Secure
In test mode, you can test 3D Secure by using one of the following cards:
Card number | 3D Secure check result | Card Scheme |
4012001800000016 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | Visa |
5428000221101226 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | MasterCard |
3755221100001323 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | American Express |
3628000221101229 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | Diners Club |
6011000990191003 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | Discover |
3528000111101116 | Enrolled for 3D Secure 2 | JCB |
all other test cards | Not enrolled for 3D Secure |
Testing credit
In test mode, you can test credit by using one of the following cards:
Card number | Credit result |
4242000000011114 | Successful (with fast credit support) |
all other test cards | Successful |