Checkout Customization Features
Your Checkout can be customized in terms of both appearance and functionality.
Personalization is possible through your Account Settings and can be observed in real time on the preview.
Changes made in the settings apply to every payment link and, by default, to every checkout form. However, in the case of checkout forms, it is possible to override these values inline in the embed code. This allows you to have multiple customized forms if needed. To do this, use the data attributes described in Checkout references.
Settings have beed divided into following sections: Header, Style, Options and After The Payment.
This section allows to include the following fields into your checkout:
Your logo (acceptable formats: jpg, png, gif and svg)
Your header headline
Your header caption
This section allows customizing your checkout in terms of fonts and colours.
Font - see a full list of supported fonts in the Appendix 1
Background color - values can be provided through colour picker, accepted formats are RGB, HSV and HEX
Button color - values can be provided through colour picker, accepted formats are RGB, HSV and HEX
Background color can be adjusted only for Checkout generated through Payment Links
This section offers a few alternatives that can make your checkout even more personalized
Show the amount on the ‘Pay’ button - it is switched on by default
Require customers to approve your terms and conditions - after ticking this box you’ll be able to provide link to your T&C
After The Payment
Allows to determine a next step in your payment flow by providing a webpage to which customer is sent after a successful payment through Payment Link.
Appendix 1 - Supported Fonts
Sans Serif
Nunito Sans (default)
Open Sans
Source Sans Pro
Roboto Slab
JetBrains Mono
Source Code Pro