Full API reference


Shift4 API is a REST-based API that allows fast and easy integration. We use HTTP for transport and return all responses encoded as JSON.

To simplify integration and testing, each account has two modes: test mode and live mode. Each mode has its own set of public and secret keys. We guarantee that test-mode data never reach real customers and never costs you money.




Shift4 API uses "HTTP Basic authentication" for authentication. All requests to our API must be authenticated, and all requests have to be made over HTTPS.

To authenticate, you need to provide your "API Secret Key" as a username and leave the password blank. Once logged in, you can find your API keys in your account settings. It's critical to keep your "API Secret Key" secure because it allows others to perform privileged operations on your behalf.


curl https://api.shift4.com/charges \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:
Note: adding colon after API key will prevent curl from asking for password


Shift4 API uses HTTP codes to indicate the outcome of an API call. Codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error on your end (something is wrong with your request), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error on our end.

If request fails an error object is returned instead of a normal response.

HTTP Status codes

200 OK - Successful request
400 Bad Request - Request has invalid data or is missing a required field
401 Unauthorized - Provided API key is missing or invalid
402 Payment failed - Request was valid but card processing has failed
404 Not Found - Requested object was not found
429 Too Many Requests - Requests hit the API too quickly			
500, 502, 503, 504 Server error - Something went wrong on our side

Error object


type string
Type of error. Possible values are:
invalid_request - Request has invalid or missing parameters
card_error - Card processing has failed
gateway_error - Something went wrong on our side
rate_limit_error - Requests hit the API too quickly
code string
Additional details about the card error (only present when type=card_error). Possible values are:
invalid_number - The card number is not a valid one.
invalid_expiry_month - The card's expiration month is invalid.
invalid_expiry_year - The card's expiration year is invalid.
invalid_cvc - Your card's security code is invalid.
incorrect_cvc - The card's security code failed verification.
incorrect_zip - The card's zip code failed verification.
expired_card - The card has expired.
insufficient_funds - The charge amount exceeds the available fund or the card's credit limit.
lost_or_stolen - The card is marked as lost or stolen.
suspected_fraud - The charge is suspected to be fraudulent.
limit_exceeded - You have exceeded the defined limit.
card_declined - The card was declined for another reason.
processing_error - An error occurred while processing the card.
blacklisted - The card has been blacklisted.
expired_token - The token has expired.
authentication_required - The charge requires authentication.
do_not_try_again - The card was declined and should not be retried.
currency_not_supported - Your account is not configured to process the given currency.
brand_not_supported - The card brand is not supported.
message string
A human-readable message that describes the reason for this error. Note that the content of this message is not intended to be parsed, and the format of this message can change at any moment.
issuerDeclineCode string
Error code supplied by the card issuer. Only present when the request resulted in a declined charge, and that charge was declined by the card issuer.
chargeId string
Identifier of the charge object associated with this error. Only present when the request resulted in a declined charge.
blacklistRuleId string
Identifier of the blacklist rule object that matched this request. Only present when the request was blocked by the blacklist.
creditId string
Identifier of the credit object associated with this error. Only present when request resulted in the declined credit.


	"error" : {
		"type" : "card_error",
		"code" : "invalid_number",
		"message" : "The card number is not a valid one."


The metadata attribute on most updatable objects can be used to store custom pairs of key-value data.

This is useful for storing extra structured information about a specific object. For example, you could save a user login along with a customer object that represents that user.

Each key within a given metadata object must be unique. Each key and value can hold up to 255 characters.


	"email" : "[email protected]",
	"metadata" : {
		"key1" : "value1",
		"key2" : "value2"


	"id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "customer",
	"email" : "[email protected]",
	"metadata" : {
		"key1" : "value1",
		"key2" : "value2"


Charge represents a payment made with a credit or a debit card.

Charge object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "charge")
amount integer
Charge amount in minor units of a given currency. For example 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
The charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
type string
description string
A card that was used to create this charge.
status string
The status of the payment process. It can be one of the following:
  • successful - payment was completed successfully
  • pending - payment is being processed, see the flow for details. Possible for payment method charges only.
  • failed - payment failed
paymentMethod payment method object
Payment Method that was used to create this charge.
clientObjectId string
Can be used with `shift4.js` to check Payment Method charge status and required actions.
flow object
Only applicable for payment method charges Specifies what actions (if any) must be taken to complete the payment process. Can contain the following attributes:
  • nextAction (string) - one of the following options:
    • redirect - the client should be redirected to the URL specified in the flow.redirect.redirectUrl
    • wait - payment is being processed, wait for flow.nextAction change.
    • none
  • returnUrl (string) - specifies where the user will be redirected after the payment has been completed
  • redirect (object) - present when nextAction='redirect'
    • redirectUrl (string) - URL to which user should be redirected to complete the payment.
customerId string
Identifier of the customer who owns this charge or null if this charge is unrelated to any customer.
subscriptionId string
Identifier of the subscription associated with this charge or null if no subscription is associated with this charge.
captured boolean
refunded boolean
refunds list of refund objects
List of refunds issued for this charge.
disputed boolean
dispute dispute object
Details about the dispute over this charge.
fraudDetails object
Details about the fraud check conducted on this charge. Can contain the following attributes:
  • status (string) - can be one of the following: safe, suspicious or fraudulent
  • score (integer) - the percentage chance that the charge is fraudulent
shipping object
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • email (string) - email of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a wo-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
threeDSecureInfo object
Additional data present if card used to create this charge was verified with 3D Secure. Can contain following attributes:
  • amount (integer) - amount in minor units that was used in 3D Secure
  • currency (string) - currency that was used in 3D Secure (represented as a three-letter ISO currency code)
  • enrolled (boolean) - information on whether the card used to create this charge supports 3D Secure
  • liabilityShift (string) - can have one of the following values:
    pending - 3D Secure was not started or is in progress
    successful - 3D Secure was completed successfully
    failed - 3D Secure is supported, but was not completed successfully
    not_possible - 3D Secure is not supported
  • authenticationFlow (string) - can have one of the following values:
    frictionless - Issuer authenticated the customer via the frictionless flow.
    challenge - Issuer authenticated the customer by showing a challenge window.
avsCheck object
Additional data present if address was verified. Can contain following attributes
  • result (string) - can have one of the following values:
    full_match - All address elements matched
    partial_match - Some address elements matched
    no_match - No address element matched
    not_provided - Address not provided
    unavailable - Address verification service was unavailable
merchantAccountId string
Identifier of the merchant account that was used to create this charge.
metadata metadata object
failureCode string
Error code that describes why the charge has failed. Only present in failed charges. For the list of possible values, see the code attribute in the error object.
failureMessage string
A human-readable message that describes why the charge has failed. Only present in failed charges.
failureIssuerDeclineCode string
Error code supplied by the card issuer. Only present in failed charges.


	"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "charge",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example charge",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"customerId" : null,
	"captured" : true,
	"refunded" : false,
	"refunds" : [],
	"disputed" : false,

	"metadata" : {}

Create a new Charge

Creates a new charge object.

Capturing a charge object (either at creation or at the later stage) will result in the charge of provided credit or debit card.

If you are in test mode, the provided credit or debit card won't actually be charged, but everything else will work the same as in live mode.


amount integer, required
Charge amount in minor units of a given currency. For example 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string, required
Charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
type string, optional
Possible values are: first_recurring, subsequent_recurring, merchant_initiated, customer_initiated
description string, optional
customerId string, optional (either customerId or card is required)
Identifier of the customer that will be associated with this charge. This field is required if the charge is being created with the customer's existing card. If specified, the successful charge created with a new card will add that card to the customer's cards and be set as customer's default card.
card card token, card details or card identifier, optional (either customerId, card or paymentMethod is required)
Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example, obtained from Components)
  • card details (same as in the card create request)
  • card identifier (must be an existing card that is associated with the customer-specified incustomerId field)
If neither card nor payment method is provided, the customer's defaults will be used.
paymentMethod payment method details or identifier, optional (either customerId, card or paymentMethod is required)
It can be one of the following:
  • payment method details (same as in payment method create request)
  • payment method identifier (must be an existing payment method that is associated with customer specified in customerId field)
If neither card nor payment method is provided, then the customer's defaults will be used.
flow details specific to the payment method charge. Specifies payment process details.
  • returnUrl (required for paymentMethod charge) - URL to which the user will be redirected after processing payment on an external site. For convenience query parameter clientObjectId will be added, which can be afterwards used to check the charge status with shift4.js.
captured boolean, optional (default is true)
Whether this charge should be immediately captured. When set to false charge is only authorized (or pre-authorized) and needs to be captured later.
shipping object, optional
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object, optional, cannot be used together with paymentMethod
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
threeDSecure object, optional
3D Secure options. It can contain the following attributes:
  • requireAttempt (boolean, default is false) - the charge will fail when the 3D Secure verification was not attempted
  • requireEnrolledCard (boolean, default is false) - the charge will fail if the card doesn't support 3D Secure (is not enrolled for 3D Secure verification)
  • requireSuccessfulLiabilityShiftForEnrolledCard (boolean, default is true) - the charge will fail when the card supports the 3D Secure verification, but that verification was not successful (i.e. customer cancelled the verification or provided invalid information in the 3D Secure popup)
  • external (object, optional) - used with an external 3DS service and can contain the following attributes:
    • version (string, required) - with one of following values: 2.1.0 and 2.2.0
    • eci (string, required) - Electronic Commerce Indicator e.g., 05
    • authenticationValue (string, optional) - other names: CAVV, AAV, UCAF
    • dsTransactionId (string, required for 3DS 2) - dsTransID received in ARes
    • acsTransactionId (string, required for 3DS 2) - acsTransID received in ARes
    • status (string, required) - can have one of the following values: Y, N, A, U, R, E
merchantAccountId string, optional
Identifier of the merchant account that will be used to create this charge.
metadata metadata object, optional


Successful request returns a charge object that represents the created charge.


POST https://api.shift4.com/charges


curl https://api.shift4.com/charges \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "amount=499" \
	-d "currency=USD" \
	-d "customerId=cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R" \
	-d "card=tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe" \
	-d "description=Example charge"


	"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "charge",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example charge",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"captured" : true,
	"refunded" : false,
	"disputed" : false,


Retrieve an existing Charge

Retrieves an existing charge object.


CHARGE_ID string, required
Identifier of the the charge object that should be retrieved.


Successful request returns a charge object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/charges/{CHARGE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/charges/char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "charge",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example charge",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"captured" : true,
	"refunded" : false,
	"disputed" : false

Update an existing Charge

Update an existing charge object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.


CHARGE_ID string, required
Identifier of charge object that should be updated.
customerId string, optional
Identifier of customer that will be associated with this charge. Updating this field is only possible for the charge that is not assigned to any customer. Assigning a successful charge to the customer will result in adding the card used to create that charge to the customer's cards. The card will be set as the customer's default card.
description string, optional
shipping object, optional
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object, optional, cannot be used together with paymentMethod
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
fraudDetails object, optional
Fraud details. It contains the attribute:
  • status (string) - can be one of the following: safe, suspicious, fraudulent, in_progress or unknown
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a charge object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/charges/{CHARGE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/charges/char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "description=New description"


	"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "charge",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "New description",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"captured" : true,
	"refunded" : false,
	"disputed" : false

Capture a Charge

Capture an existing charge that was created with the captured=false attribute. This is the second part of two-step payment flow.


CHARGE_ID string, required
Identifier of the charge object that should be captured.


A successful request returns a charge object that was captured.


POST https://api.shift4.com/charges/{CHARGE_ID}/capture


curl https://api.shift4.com/charges/char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q/capture \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "charge",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example charge",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"captured" : true,
	"refunded" : false,
	"disputed" : false

List Charges

List charge objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
customerId string, optional
Returns only charges associated with a given customer.


A successful request returns a list of charge objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/charges


curl "https://api.shift4.com/charges?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
			"created" : 1415810511,
			"objectType" : "charge",
			"amount" : 499,
			"currency" : "USD",
			"description" : "Example charge",
			"card" : {
			  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
			  "created" : 1415810511,
			  "objectType" : "card",
			  "first6" : "424242",
			  "last4" : "4242",
			  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
			  "expMonth" : "11",
			  "expYear" : "2027",
			  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
			  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
			  "brand" : "Visa",
			  "type" : "Credit Card",
			  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
			  "country" : "CH"
			"captured" : true,
			"refunded" : false,
			"disputed" : false
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true

Dispute object


objectType string (value is always "dispute")
created timestamp
updated timestamp
amount integer
Dispute amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000", and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Dispute currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
status string
It can have one of the following values:
reason string
It can have one of the following values:
acceptedAsLost boolean


	"objectType" : "dispute",
	"created" : 1415896911,
	"updated" : 1415896911,
	"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
	"reason" : "GENERAL",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"acceptedAsLost" : false


Refund represents a refund of a charge.

Refund object


id string
created timestamp
amount integer
Refund amount in minor units of a given currency. For example 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Refund currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
objectType string (value is always "refund")
charge string
ID of the charge associated with this refund.
reason string
Reason of charge refund. Possible values are: fraudulent
status string
Possible values are: successful, failed


	"id" : "re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"amount" : 100,		
	"currency" : "USD",
	"objectType" : "refund",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"reason" : "fraudulent",				
	"status" : "successful"

Refund a Charge

Refund an existing charge, which will result in funds being returned to the previously charged credit or debit card.

Partial refunds are only possible for captured charge. The partial refunds can be repeated for as long as the charge is not fully refunded.

Note that if there is an active subscription related to this charge, it won't be affected by this operation. If you want to cancel a subscription, you must make it in a separate request.


chargeId string, required
Identifier of the charge object that should be refunded.
amount integer, optional (default is the current amount of charge)
Amount (in minor units) to refund. This must be less or equal to the current amount of charge that is being refunded.
reason string
Reason of charge refund. Possible values are: fraudulent


A successful request returns a refund object.


POST https://api.shift4.com/refunds


curl https://api.shift4.com/refunds \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "chargeId=char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3&amount=499"


	"id" : "re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"amount" : 100,		
	"currency" : "USD",
	"objectType" : "refund",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"reason" : "fraudulent",				
	"status" : "successful"

Retrieve an existing Refund

Retrieves an existing refund object.


REFUND_ID string, required
Identifier of the refund object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a refund object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/refunds/{REFUND_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/refunds/re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"amount" : 100,		
	"currency" : "USD",
	"objectType" : "refund",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"reason" : "fraudulent",				
	"status" : "successful"

Update an existing Refund

Updates an existing refund object.


metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a refund object.


POST https://api.shift4.com/refunds/{REFUND_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/refunds/re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
  -d '{"metadata": {"key": "value"}}'


	"id" : "re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"amount" : 100,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"objectType" : "refund",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"reason" : "fraudulent",
	"status" : "successful",
  "metadata" : {
    "key" : "value"

List Refunds

List refund objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
chargeId string, required
Identifier of the charge object for which refunds should be listed.


A successful request returns a list of refund objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/refunds


curl "https://api.shift4.com/refunds?chargeId=char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "re_CNiqwdKHpX3o4SD4PWJxM5CF",
			"created" : 1609325894,
			"amount" : 100,		
			"currency" : "USD",
			"objectType" : "refund",
			"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
			"reason" : "fraudulent",				
			"status" : "successful"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true


Customers allows to store cards for later use and to perform automatically recurring charges. Customers are also useful for tracking charges that are associated with the same entity.

Customer object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "customer")
email string
description string
defaultCardId string
Identifier of the customer's default card.
cards list of card object
List of 10 most recent cards associated with this customer.
metadata metadata object


  "id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "customer",
  "email" : "[email protected]",
  "description" : null,
  "defaultCardId" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "cards" : [
      "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "card",
      "first6" : "424242",
      "last4" : "4242",
      "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
      "expMonth" : "11",
      "expYear" : "2027",
      "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
      "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
      "brand" : "Visa",
      "type" : "Credit Card",
      "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
      "country" : "CH"
  "metadata" : { }

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer object.


email string, required
description string, optional
card charge identifier, card token or card details, optional
If provided, the customer will be created with this card and the card will be set as default. Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example obtained from Components)
  • charge identifier - will save the card that was used to create a charge (only possible for successful charge not assigned to any other customer and will result in that charge being assigned to this customer)
  • card details (the same as in card create request)
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a customer object that represents the created customer.


POST https://api.shift4.com/customers


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "[email protected]" \
	-d "card=tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe"


  "id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "customer",
  "email" : "[email protected]",
  "defaultCardId" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "cards" : [
      "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "card",
      "first6" : "424242",
      "last4" : "4242",
      "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
      "expMonth" : "11",
      "expYear" : "2027",
      "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
      "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
      "brand" : "Visa",
      "type" : "Credit Card",
      "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
      "country" : "CH"

Retrieve an existing Customer

Retrieves an existing customer object.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a customer object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


  "id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "customer",
  "email" : "[email protected]",
  "defaultCardId" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "cards" : [
      "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "card",
      "first6" : "424242",
      "last4" : "4242",
      "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
      "expMonth" : "11",
      "expYear" : "2027",
      "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
      "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
      "brand" : "Visa",
      "type" : "Credit Card",
      "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
      "country" : "CH"

Update an existing Customer

Update an existing customer object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that should be updated.
email string, optional
description string, optional
defaultCardId string, optional
Identifier of the customer's card that will be set as the default one.
card charge identifier, card token or card details, optional
If provided, the new card will be added to the customer's cards and the card will be set as default. Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example obtained from Components)
  • charge identifier - will save the card that was used to create a charge (only possible for successful charge not assigned to any other customer, and will result in that charge being assigned to this customer)
  • card details (same as in card create request)
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a customer object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "[email protected]" \
	-d "description=New description"


  "id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "customer",
  "email" : "[email protected]",
  "description" : "New description",
  "defaultCardId" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "cards" : [
      "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "card",
      "first6" : "424242",
      "last4" : "4242",
      "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
      "expMonth" : "11",
      "expYear" : "2027",
      "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
      "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
      "brand" : "Visa",
      "type" : "Credit Card",
      "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
      "country" : "CH"

Delete a Customer

Deletes an existing customer object.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that should be deleted.


A successful request returns identifier of the deleted customer object.


DELETE https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",

List Customers

List customer objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
Can be used to list deleted objects.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
email string, optional
Returns only customers with a given email.


A successful request returns a list of customer objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/customers


curl "https://api.shift4.com/customers?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
		  "id" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "customer",
		  "email" : "[email protected]",
		  "defaultCardId" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "cards" : [
		      "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		      "created" : 1415810511,
		      "objectType" : "card",
		      "first6" : "424242",
		      "last4" : "4242",
		      "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		      "expMonth" : "11",
		      "expYear" : "2027",
		      "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		      "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		      "brand" : "Visa",
		      "type" : "Credit Card",
		      "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		      "country" : "CH"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : false


Card represents a credit or a debit card.

Cards are used to save credit or debit card data for later use. Cards can also be used to represent card data in other operations (for example to specify card data when creating a new charge).

Card object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "card")
first6 integer
last4 integer
fingerprint string
Unique identifier of the card number. Can be used to check if two different charges were done using the same card number.
expMonth integer
expYear integer
cardholderName string
customerId string
Identifier of the customer that is the owner of this card.
brand string
Brand of card. Possible values are: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, Unknown
type string
Type of card. Possible values are: Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, Unknown
country string
Country of card's Issuing Bank (represented as a two-letter ISO country code). This value is derived from the card's Bank Identification Number (BIN).
issuer string
Name of card's Issuing Bank
addressLine1 string
addressLine2 string
addressCity string
addressState string
addressZip string
addressCountry string
Country represented as a three-letter ISO country code.
fraudCheckData object
Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain the following attributes:
  • ipAddress (string) - IP address of the user
  • ipCountry (string) - country derived from the user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
  • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
  • phone (string) - phone number of the user
  • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • browserFingerprint (string) - hashed device identifier, available if Shift4.js was used to create Token
merchantAccountId string
Identifier of the merchant account that was used to create this card.
fastCredit object
Additional data present if this card was checked for support of fast credits. This check can be performed by updating card with checkFastCredit = true. Contains the following attributes:
  • supported (boolean) - Indicates whether the card supports fast credit
  • updated (timestamp) - Indicated the last time fast credit status has been refreshed


  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "card",
  "first6" : "424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
  "country" : "CH",
  "fastCredit" : {
    "supported" : true,
    "updated" : 1415811511

Create a new Card

Creates a new card object.

There are three ways to create a new card object:

  • use card token (for example obtained from Components)
  • use charge identifier - will save the card that was used to create a charge (only possible for successful charge not assigned to any other customer and will result in that charge being assigned to this customer)
  • specify all card details (as seen in the arguments list below)


number string, required
Card number without any separators.
expMonth string, required
Card expiration month.
expYear string, required
Card expiration year.
cvc string, required
Card security code.
cardholderName string, optional
addressLine1 string, optional
addressLine2 string, optional
addressCity string, optional
addressState string, optional
addressZip string, optional
addressCountry string, optional
Country represented as a three-letter ISO country code.
fraudCheckData object
Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain the following attributes:
  • ipAddress (string) - IP address of the user
  • ipCountry (string) - country derived from the user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
  • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
  • phone (string) - phone number of the user
  • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • browserFingerprint (string) - hashed device identifier, available if Shift4.js was used to create Token


A successful request returns a card object that represents the created card.


POST https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}/cards


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R/cards \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "id=tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe"


  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "card",
  "first6" : "424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
  "country" : "CH"

Retrieve an existing Card

Retrieves an existing card object.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that is the owner of the card object that should be retrieved.
CARD_ID string, required
Identifier of the card object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a card object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}/cards/{CARD_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R/cards/card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "card",
  "first6" : "424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
  "country" : "CH"

Update an existing Card

Update an existing card object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that is the owner of the card object that should be updated.
CARD_ID string, required
Identifier of the card object that should be updated.
expMonth string, optional
Card expiration month.
expYear string, optional
Card expiration year.
cardholderName string, optional
addressCountry string, optional
Country represented as a three-letter ISO country code.
addressCity string, optional
addressState string, optional
addressZip string, optional
addressLine1 string, optional
addressLine2 string, optional
checkFastCredit boolean, optional
Indicates whether a check for fast credit support should be made.


A successful request returns a card object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}/cards/{CARD_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R/cards/card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "cardholderName=Jane Doe"
	-d "checkFastCredit=true"


  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "card",
  "first6" : "424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "Jane Doe",
  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
  "country" : "CH",
  "fastCredit" : {
    "supported" : true,
    "updated" : 1415811511

Delete a Card

Deletes an existing card object.

If you delete the card that is the current default card, then the most recently added card will be used as the new default card. If you delete the last card then teh default card will be set to null.


CUSTOMER_ID string, required
Identifier of the customer object that is the owner of the card object that should be deleted.
CARD_ID string, required
Identifier of the card object that should be deleted.


A successful request returns the identifier of the deleted card object.


DELETE https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}/cards/{CARD_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R/cards/card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",

List Cards

List card objects for a given customer.


customerId string, required
Identifier of the customer object whose cards should be listed.
created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
Can be used to list deleted objects.
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns a list of card objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/customers/{CUSTOMER_ID}/cards


curl "https://api.shift4.com/customers/cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R/cards?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : false


A subscription represents a recurring payment that will result in a charge being automatically created for a given customer. The frequency and amount of these automatic charges are defined by a plan.

Subscriptions are always billed to the customer's current default card.

Subscription object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "subscription")
planId string
Identifier of a plan assigned to this subscription.
customerId string
Identifier of a customer who is the owner of this subscription.
quantity integer
Multiplier that will be applied to change the amount defined in a plan. For example a plan with amount=100 used in the subscription with quantity=5 will result in changes with amount=500.
captureCharges boolean
Whatever charges created by this subscription will be immediately captured (see captured attribute in charge request). If set to false, then you need to manually capture each charge created by this subscription.
status string
Status of this subscription. Possible values are:
  • trialing - subscription was created from a plan with trial days and is still in the trial period
  • active - subscription is active and will be renewed after the end of a current billing cycle
  • past_due - renewing of subscription has failed
  • canceled - subscription was manually canceled, or all retry renewal attempts have failed
  • unpaid - all retry renewal attempts have failed
  • incomplete - the first charge has failed on subscription creation
Note that the resulting status when all renewal retry attempts have failed depend on your account settings.
remainingBillingCycles integer
Defines how many billing cycles remain before this subscription is automatically canceled.
start timestamp
Date the subscription started using the current plan.
The value will have different than created, if the subscription plan was changed.
currentPeriodStart timestamp
Start of the current billing period.
For an active subscription this should match the time of last rebill, but can be different if there was a problem creating the rebill charge (for example, because of the declined charge).
currentPeriodEnd timestamp
End of the current billing period.
For an active subscription this is the time when the next rebill will be attempted.
canceledAt timestamp
The date when the subscription was requested to be canceled.
endedAt timestamp
The date when the subscription was canceled.
Will have a different value than canceledAt, if the subscription was canceled with atPeriodEnd=true.
trialStart timestamp
Start of the trial period.
trialEnd timestamp
End of the trial period.
cancelAtPeriodEnd boolean
If set to true, then the subscription will be canceled at the end of the current billing period.
shipping object
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • email (string) - email of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a wo-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
merchantAccountId string
Identifier of the merchant account that will be used to create charges for this subscription.
metadata metadata object


	"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
	"created" : 1415982733,
	"objectType" : "subscription",
	"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"quantity" : 1,
	"status" : "active",
	"remainingBillingCycles" : null,
	"start" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
	"canceledAt" : null,
	"endedAt" : null,
	"trialStart" : null,
	"trialEnd" : null,
	"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false,
	"metadata" : {}

Create a new Subscription

Creates a new subscription object.


customerId string, required
Identifier of a customer who will be the owner of this subscription.
planId string, required
Identifier of a plan that will be assigned to this subscription.
card charge identifier, card token or card details, optional
If provided, the new card will be added to the customer's cards and it will be set as default. Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example, obtained from Components)
  • charge identifier - will save the card that was used to create a charge (only possible for a successful charge not assigned to any other customer and will result in that charge being assigned to this customer)
  • card details (the same as in card create request)
quantity integer, optional (default is 1)
captureCharges boolean, optional (default is true)
Any charges created by this subscription will be captured immediately (see captured attribute in charge request). If set to false, then you need to manually capture each charge created by this subscription.
trialEnd timestamp, optional
Defines the end of the trial period for this subscription. If provided, then it will override the trial setting defined in the plan.
shipping object, optional
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object, optional
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
merchantAccountId string, optional
Identifier of the merchant account that will be used to create charges for this subscription.
metadata metadata object


A successful request returns a subscription object that represents created subscription.


POST https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions


curl https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "planId=plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV" \
	-d "customerId=cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R"


	"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
	"created" : 1415982733,
	"objectType" : "subscription",
	"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"quantity" : 1,
	"status" : "active",
	"start" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
	"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false

Retrieve an existing Subscription

Retrieves an existing subscription object.


SUBSCRIPTION_ID string, required
Identifier of the subscription object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a subscription object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5 \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
	"created" : 1415982733,
	"objectType" : "subscription",
	"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"quantity" : 1,
	"status" : "active",
	"start" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
	"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false

Update an existing Subscription

Update an existing subscription object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.


SUBSCRIPTION_ID string, required
Identifier of the subscription object that should be updated.
planId string, optional
Identifier of a plan that will be assigned to this subscription.
card charge identifier, card token or card details, optional
If provided, the new card will be added to the customer's cards and it will be set as default. Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example, obtained from Components)
  • charge identifier - will save the card that was used to create a charge (only possible for successful charge that is not assigned to any other customer and will result in that charge being assigned to this customer)
  • card details (the same as in the card create request)
quantity integer, optional
captureCharges boolean, optional
Any charges created by this subscription will be captured immediately (see captured attribute in the charge request). If set to false then you need to manually capture each charge created by this subscription.
currentPeriodEnd string, optional
Defines the end of the current cycle for this subscription and a billing date for the next one. Should be sent as a timestamp. Special value of now can be used to end the cycle and start a new one immediately. If subscription is currently in trialing status, it affects the trial period.
shipping object, optional
Shipping details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of the recipient
  • address (object) - address object, can contain following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of the recipient
billing object, optional
Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
  • name (string) - name of billed person or company
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string) - address first line
    • line2 (string) - address second line
    • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
    • city (string) - city or town
    • state (string) - state or province
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
  • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
  • vat (string) - tax identification number
merchantAccountId string, optional
Identifier of the merchant account that will be used to create charges for this subscription.
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a subscription object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5 \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "quantity=5"


	"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
	"created" : 1415982733,
	"objectType" : "subscription",
	"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"quantity" : 5,
	"status" : "active",
	"start" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
	"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false

Cancel a Subscription

Cancels an existing subscription.


SUBSCRIPTION_ID string, required
Identifier of the subscription object that should be canceled.
atPeriodEnd boolean, optional (default is false)
Whether or not to delay cancellation of the subscription until the end of the current period. By default the subscription is canceled immediately.


A successful request returns a subscription object that was canceled.


DELETE https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/{SUBSCRIPTION_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5 \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \

EXAMPLE REQUEST (with atPeriodEnd)

curl https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions/sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5?atPeriodEnd=true \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
	"created" : 1415982733,
	"objectType" : "subscription",
	"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"quantity" : 1,
	"status" : "canceled",
	"start" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
	"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
	"canceledAt" : 1415982979,
	"endedAt" : 1415982979,
	"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false

List Subscriptions

Lists subscription objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
Can be used to list deleted objects.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
customerId string, optional
Identifier of the customer object whose subscriptions should be listed.
planId string, optional
Identifier of the plan object whose subscriptions should be listed.


A successful request returns a list of subscription objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions


curl "https://api.shift4.com/subscriptions?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "sub_vrEaVmRDW0oKz8ycyy8Yc4l5",
			"created" : 1415982733,
			"objectType" : "subscription",
			"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
			"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
			"quantity" : 1,
			"status" : "active",
			"start" : 1415982733,
			"currentPeriodStart" : 1415982733,
			"currentPeriodEnd" : 1416846733,
			"cancelAtPeriodEnd" : false
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true


Plan represents an automatically recurring charge.

Plans are used when a subscription is created for a customer to define how often and how much a given customer will be charged.

Plan object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "plan")
amount integer
Subscription charge amount in minor units of given currency. For example 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Subscription charge currency represented as three-letter ISO currency code.
interval string
Frequency of subscription charges. Possible values are: hour, day, week, month, year
intervalCount integer
Number of intervals between subscription charges. For example interval=day and intervalCount=10 will result in charge every 10 days.
billingCycles integer
Number of charges after which subscription will be automatically canceled. Value of null means no limit on number of charges.
name string
Display name of this plan
trialPeriodDays integer
Number of days between creation of subscription and the first charge.
recursTo plan identifier
When subscription is automatically canceled (due to reaching limit of billingCycles) it will move to plan defined by this attribute.
metadata metadata object


	"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1415973454,
	"objectType" : "plan",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"interval" : "day",
	"intervalCount" : 10,
	"billingCycles" : null,
	"name" : "Example plan",
	"trialPeriodDays" : null,
	"recursTo" : null,
	"metadata" : {}

Create a Plan

Creates a new plan object.


amount integer, required
Subscription charge amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000", and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string, required
Subscription charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
interval string, required
Frequency of the subscription charges. Possible values are: hour, day, week, month, year
name string, required
Displays the name of this plan
intervalCount integer, optional (default is 1)
Number of intervals between the subscription charges. For example, interval=day and intervalCount=10 will result in a charge every 10 days.
billingCycles integer, optional
Number of charges after which the subscription will be automatically canceled. Value of null means no limit on the number of charges.
trialPeriodDays integer, optional (default is 0)
Number of days between the creation of the subscription and the first charge.
recursTo plan identifier, optional
When the subscription is automatically canceled (due to reaching limit of billingCycles) it will move to the plan defined by this attribute.
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a plan object that represents the created plan.


POST https://api.shift4.com/plans


curl https://api.shift4.com/plans \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "amount=499" \
	-d "currency=USD" \
	-d "interval=day" \
	-d "intervalCount=10" \
	-d "name=Example plan"


	"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1415973454,
	"objectType" : "plan",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"interval" : "day",
	"intervalCount" : 10,
	"name" : "Example plan",
	"trialPeriodDays" : 0

Retrieve an existing Plan

Retrieves an existing plan object.


PLAN_ID string, required
Identifier of the plan object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a plan object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/plans/{PLAN_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/plans/plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1415973454,
	"objectType" : "plan",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"interval" : "day",
	"intervalCount" : 10,
	"name" : "Example plan",
	"trialPeriodDays" : 0

Update an existing Plan

Update an existing plan object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.

Changing amount or currency of a plan will only affect future rebills of all subscriptions that are using this plan.


PLAN_ID string, required
Identifier of the plan object that should be updated.
amount integer, optional
Subscription charge amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string, optional
Subscription charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
name string, optional
Displays the name of this plan
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a plan object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/plans/{PLAN_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/plans/plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "name=New plan"


	"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1415973454,
	"objectType" : "plan",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"interval" : "day",
	"intervalCount" : 10,
	"name" : "New plan",
	"trialPeriodDays" : 0

Delete a Plan

Deletes an existing plan object.

Note that when you delete a plan, the existing subscriptions will continue to be charged until they are canceled.


PLAN_ID string, required
Identifier of the plan object that should be deleted.


A successful request returns identifier of the deleted plan object.


DELETE https://api.shift4.com/plans/{PLAN_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/plans/plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",

List Plans

List plan objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
Can be used to list deleted objects.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns a list of plan objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/plans


curl "https://api.shift4.com/plans?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
			"created" : 1415973454,
			"objectType" : "plan",
			"amount" : 499,
			"currency" : "USD",
			"interval" : "day",
			"intervalCount" : 10,
			"name" : "Example plan",
			"trialPeriodDays" : 0
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true


Events can be used to get notifications when something interesting has happened. For example, the creation of a new successful charge will result in CHARGE_SUCCEEDED event.

We provide API methods to retrieve a single event and to list events. It is also possible to get notifications about the new events by using Webhooks.

Event object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "event")
type string
Type of event. For more information see list of event types.
data object
Object that is a subject of this event. For example, an event with type=CHARGE_SUCCEEDED will have a charge object as the value of this attribute.
log string
Identifier of request log associated with this event.


	"id" : "event_EY7CzyQiffJykW8rC5wSRnAj",
	"created" : 1416305114,
	"objectType" : "event",
	"data" : {
		"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
		"created" : 1415810511,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 499,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"description" : "Example charge",
		"card" : {
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : false
	"log" : "log_2KzhaJZBmylL40iGiHfZsKRm"

Retrieve an Event

Retrieves an existing event object.


EVENT_ID string, required
Identifier of the event object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns an event object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/events/{EVENT_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/events/event_EY7CzyQiffJykW8rC5wSRnAj \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "event_EY7CzyQiffJykW8rC5wSRnAj",
	"created" : 1416305114,
	"objectType" : "event",
	"data" : {
		"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
		"created" : 1415810511,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 499,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"description" : "Example charge",
		"card" : {
			  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
			  "created" : 1415810511,
			  "objectType" : "card",
			  "first6" : "424242",
			  "last4" : "4242",
			  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
			  "expMonth" : "11",
			  "expYear" : "2027",
			  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
			  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
			  "brand" : "Visa",
			  "type" : "Credit Card",
			  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
			  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : false
	"log" : "log_2KzhaJZBmylL40iGiHfZsKRm"

List Events

List event objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns a list of event objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/events


curl "https://api.shift4.com/events?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "event_EY7CzyQiffJykW8rC5wSRnAj",
			"created" : 1416305114,
			"objectType" : "event",
			"type" : "CHARGE_SUCCEEDED",
			"data" : {
				"id" : "char_ORVCrwOrTkGsDwM3H50OIW7Q",
				"created" : 1415810511,
				"objectType" : "charge",
				"amount" : 499,
				"currency" : "USD",
				"description" : "Example charge",
				"card" : {
				  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
				  "created" : 1415810511,
				  "objectType" : "card",
				  "first6" : "424242",
				  "last4" : "4242",
				  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
				  "expMonth" : "11",
				  "expYear" : "2027",
				  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
				  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
				  "brand" : "Visa",
				  "type" : "Credit Card",
				  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
				  "country" : "CH"
				"captured" : true,
				"refunded" : false,
				"disputed" : false
			"log" : "log_2KzhaJZBmylL40iGiHfZsKRm"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true

Types of Events

CHARGE_SUCCEEDED a charge object
Occurs when a new charge is successfully created.
CHARGE_PENDING a charge object
Occurs when a new charge processing is pending.
CHARGE_FAILED a charge object
Occurs when the creation of a new charge fails.
CHARGE_UPDATED a charge object
Occurs when a charge object is updated.
CHARGE_CAPTURED a charge object
Occurs when a charge is captured.
CHARGE_REFUNDED a charge object
Occurs when a charge is refunded.
Occurs when a customer disputes a charge (either the chargeback or the retrieval request).
Occurs when an existing dispute is updated.
CHARGE_DISPUTE_WON a charge object
Occurs when a dispute is resolved as won.
CHARGE_DISPUTE_LOST a charge object
Occurs when a dispute is resolved as lost.
Occurs when funds are removed from your account as a result of a dispute (a chargeback).
Occurs when previously withdrawn funds are restored as a result of a winning dispute.
CUSTOMER_CREATED a customer object
Occurs when new a customer is created.
CUSTOMER_UPDATED a customer object
Occurs when a customer is updated.
CUSTOMER_DELETED a customer object
Occurs when a customer is deleted.
Occurs when a new card is created for a customer.
Occurs when a customer's card is updated.
Occurs when a customer's card is deleted.
Occurs when a new subscription is created for a customer.
Occurs when a customer's subscription is updated.
Occurs when a customer's subscription is cancelled.
PLAN_CREATED a plan object
Occurs when a new plan is created.
PLAN_UPDATED a plan object
Occurs when a plan is updated.
PLAN_DELETED a plan object
Occurs when a plan is deleted.
CREDIT_SUCCEEDED a credit object
Occurs when a new credit is successfully created.
CREDIT_FAILED a credit object
Occurs when the creation of a new credit fails.
CREDIT_UPDATED a credit object
Occurs when a credit object is updated.
FRAUD_WARNING_CREATED a fraud warning object
Occurs when a fraud warning is created.
FRAUD_WARNING_UPDATED a fraud warning object
Occurs when a fraud warning is updated.
PAYOUT_CREATED a payout object
Occurs when a payout is created.
PAYOUT_UPDATED a payout object
Occurs when a payout is updated.


Tokens are used to represent a card in a situation where you don't want to process or store card-sensitive data on your servers. Tokens can be easily created directly in a browser with the use of Components, but you can also create tokens in other environments (for example, in mobile applications).

Tokens can be created with the use of either "API Public Key" or "API Secret Key". You can safely embed your "API Public Key" in JavaScript or in downloadable applications (like iPhone or Android apps), so you can easily create tokens directly from these applications.

Note that tokens are meant to be used as a temporary representation of card data, and each token can be used only once. You should not store tokens for long periods of time - if you want to store a card for later use you should use the token to either create new customer or add new card to the existing customer.

Token object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "token")
first6 integer
last4 integer
fingerprint string
Unique identifier of the card number. Can be used to check if two different charges were done using the same card number.
expMonth integer
expYear integer
brand string
Brand of card. Possible values are: Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, Diners Club, Unknown
type string
Type of card. Possible values are: Credit Card, Debit Card, Prepaid Card, Unknown
cardholderName string
addressLine1 string
addressLine2 string
addressCity string
addressState string
addressZip string
addressCountry string
Country represented as a three-letter ISO country code.
used boolean
Card that was created from this token.
fraudCheckData object
Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain the following attributes:
  • ipAddress (string) - IP address of the user
  • ipCountry (string) - country derived from the user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
  • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
  • phone (string) - phone number of the user
  • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • browserFingerprint (string) - hashed device identifier, available if Shift4.js was used to create Token
threeDSecureInfo object
Additional data present if card (represented by this token) was verified with 3D Secure. Can contain following attributes:
  • amount (integer) - amount in minor units that was used in 3D Secure
  • currency (string) - currency that was used in 3D Secure (represented as a three-letter ISO currency code)
  • enrolled (boolean) - information on whether the card used to create this charge supports 3D Secure
  • liabilityShift (string) - can have one of the following values:
    pending - 3D Secure was not started or is in progress
    successful - 3D Secure was completed successfully
    failed - 3D Secure is supported, but was not completed successfully
    not_possible - 3D Secure is not supported
  • authenticationFlow (string) - can have one of the following values:
    frictionless - Issuer authenticated the customer via the frictionless flow.
    challenge - Issuer authenticated the customer by showing a challenge window.


  "id" : "tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "token",
  "first6" : "42424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "country" : "CH",
  "used" : true,
  "card" : {
    "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
    "created" : 1415810511,
    "objectType" : "card",
    "first6" : "424242",
    "last4" : "4242",
    "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
    "expMonth" : "11",
    "expYear" : "2027",
    "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
    "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
    "brand" : "Visa",
    "type" : "Credit Card",
    "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
    "country" : "CH"

Create a new Token

Creates a new token object.

This method can be called with either "API Public Key" or "API Secret Key".


number string, required
Card number without any separators.
expMonth string, required
Card expiration month.
expYear string, required
Card expiration year.
cvc string, required
Card security code.
cardholderName string, optional
addressLine1 string, optional
addressLine2 string, optional
addressCity string, optional
addressState string, optional
addressZip string, optional
addressCountry string, optional
Country represented as three-letter ISO country code.
fraudCheckData object
Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain following attributes:
  • ipAddress (string) - IP address of the user
  • ipCountry (string) - country derived from user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
  • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
  • phone (string) - phone number of the user
  • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
  • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
This attribute is only supported for requests made with "API Secret Key". For requests made with "API Public Key" value of this attribute is ignored and data is automatically collected from request.


Successful request returns a token object that represents given card details.


POST https://api.shift4.com/tokens


curl https://api.shift4.com/tokens \
	-u pu_test_WVMFC9GFuvm54b0uorifKkCh: \
	-d "number=4242424242424242" \
	-d "expMonth=11" \
	-d "expYear=2027" \
	-d "cvc=123" \
	-d "cardholderName=John Doe"


  "id" : "tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "token",
  "first6" : "42424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "country" : "CH",
  "used" : false

Retrieve an existing Token

Retrieves an existing token object.


TOKEN_ID string, required
Identifier of the token object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a token object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/tokens/{TOKEN_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/tokens/tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


  "id" : "tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe",
  "created" : 1415810511,
  "objectType" : "token",
  "first6" : "42424242",
  "last4" : "4242",
  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
  "expMonth" : "11",
  "expYear" : "2027",
  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
  "brand" : "Visa",
  "type" : "Credit Card",
  "country" : "CH",
  "used" : false

Initialize 3D Secure process

Initialize a new 3D Secure authentication process.

Generally (apart from a few specialized use cases) it is not recommended to initialize 3D Secure from the API. You should use our Components or checkout integration that already supports 3D Secure authentication.

To complete the 3D Secure process initiated using this API call, you must:

  1. Ensure that the card supports 3D Secure by checking that enrolled filed in response is equal to true
  2. Redirect the user to redirectUrl or display that URL in an <iframe> tag.
  3. Wait for the user to return to returnUrl
  4. Use token to create a charge


amount integer, required
Amount used in the 3D Secure process (in minor units of a given currency). Must match amount that will be used later to create a charge. For exampl, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string, required
Currency used in the 3D Secure process (represented as a three-letter ISO currency code). Must match currency that will be used later to create a charge.
returnUrl string, required
URL that will be displayed to the user after the 3D Secure process is completed. Following parameters are appended to this URL:
  • token (string) - identifier of a token that was used for this 3D Secure process
  • liabilityShift (string) - can be one of the following: successful or failed
card card token, card details or card identifier, required
Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example, obtained from Components)
  • card details (the same as in card create request)
  • card identifier (must be an existing card that is associated with a customer)


A successful request returns an object with the following attributes:

enrolled boolean
Whether the card used to start this 3D Secure process supports 3D Secure.
version string
Version of 3D Secure which will be used for this 3D Secure process.
redirectUrl string
URL that must be used to complete the 3D Secure process by the user. User must be either redirected to this URL or this URL must be displayed to the user in an <iframe> tag.
token token object
Token that is being used for this 3D Secure process. This token must be used to create charge after this 3D Secure process is completed.


POST https://api.shift4.com/3d-secure


curl https://api.shift4.com/3d-secure \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "amount=499" \
	-d "currency=USD" \
	-d "card[number]=4012001800000016" \
	-d "card[expMonth]=11" \
	-d "card[expYear]=2027" \
	-d "card[cvc]=123" \
	-d "returnUrl=https://example.com/"


	"enrolled": true,
	"version": "2.2.0",
	"redirectUrl": "https://api.shift4.com/3d-secure/start/35WSIRL2Qm1JKsDXMohFVhGVj5AFptAhuN7Sa0oQ",
	"token": {
		"id": "tok_RBZVaNlPj70nNIQ2cIB2lYMI",
		"created": 1634561057,
		"objectType": "token",
		"first6": "401200",
		"last4": "0016",
		"fingerprint": "8bTF2cbb2ccGr7ws",
		"expMonth": "11",
		"expYear": "2027",
		"brand": "Visa",
		"type": "Credit Card",
		"country": "CH",
		"used": false,
		"threeDSecureInfo": {
			"amount": 499,
			"currency": "USD",
			"enrolled": true,
			"liabilityShift": "failed",
			"version": "2.2.0",
			"authenticationFlow": null


Blacklist can be used to block unwanted charges.

Blacklist contains Blacklist Rule objects. Each such object represents a single condition - if request to create a new charge matches this condition then it will fail - resulting in error response with code=blacklisted.

Blacklist Rule object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "blacklistRule")
ruleType string, required
  • fingerprint - will blacklist based on the card's fingerprint (see fingerprint in card object)
  • ip_address - will blacklist based on the user's IP address (see fraudCheckData.ipAddress in card object)
  • ip_country - will blacklist based on the country derived from user's IP address (see fraudCheckData.ipCountry in card object)
  • metadata - will blacklist based on metadata entry from charge (see metadata in charge object)
  • email - will blacklist based on the user's email (see email in customer object and fraudCheckData.email in card object)
  • user_agent - will blacklist based on the "User-Agent" HTTP header (see fraudCheckData.userAgent in card object)
  • accept_language - will blacklist based on the "Accept-Language" HTTP header (see fraudCheckData.acceptLanguage in card object)
  • card_country - will blacklist based on the country of the card's issuing bank (see country in card object)
  • card_bin - will blacklist based on the card's BIN (see first6 in card object)
  • card_issuer - will blacklist based on the name of the card's issuing bank (see issuer in card object)
fingerprint string
Used for ruleType=fingerprint.
ipAddress string
Used for ruleType=ip_address.
ipCountry string
Used for ruleType=ip_country.
metadataKey string
Used for ruleType=metadata.
metadataValue string
Used for ruleType=metadata.
email string
Used for ruleType=email.
userAgent string
Used for ruleType=user_agent.
acceptLanguage string
Used for ruleType=accept_language.
cardCountry string
Used for ruleType=card_country.
cardBin string
Used for ruleType=card_bin.
cardIssuer string
Used for ruleType=card_issuer.


	"id" : "blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf",
	"created" : 1429282784,
	"objectType" : "blacklistRule",
	"ruleType" : "fingerprint",
	"fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7"

Create a Blacklist Rule

Creates a new blacklist rule object.


ruleType string, required
Type of a blacklist rule. Can have one of the following values:
  • fingerprint - will blacklist based on the card's fingerprint (see fingerprint in card object)
  • ip_address - will blacklist based on the user's IP address (see fraudCheckData.ipAddress in card object)
  • ip_country - will blacklist based on the country derived from the user's IP address (see fraudCheckData.ipCountry in card object)
  • metadata - will blacklist based on metadata entry from charge (see metadata in charge object)
  • email - will blacklist based on the user's email (see email in customer object and fraudCheckData.email in card object)
  • user_agent - will blacklist based on the "User-Agent" HTTP header (see fraudCheckData.userAgent in card object)
  • accept_language - will blacklist based on the "Accept-Language" HTTP header (see fraudCheckData.acceptLanguage in card object)
  • card_country - will blacklist based on the country of the card's issuing bank (see country in card object)
  • card_bin - will blacklist based on the card's BIN (see first6 in card object)
  • card_issuer - will blacklist based on the name of the card's issuing bank (see issuer in card object)
fingerprint string
Used for ruleType=fingerprint.
cardNumber string
Used for ruleType=fingerprint. If a card number is provided, it will be automatically converted to a fingerprint. When creating fingerprint rule then you must provide either a fingerprint or a card number, but not both.
ipAddress string
Used for ruleType=ip_address.
ipCountry string
Used for ruleType=ip_country.
metadataKey string
Used for ruleType=metadata.
metadataValue string
Used for ruleType=metadata.
email string
Used for ruleType=email.
userAgent string
Used for ruleType=user_agent.
acceptLanguage string
Used for ruleType=accept_language.
cardCountry string
Used for ruleType=card_country.
cardBin string
Used for ruleType=card_bin.
cardIssuer string
Used for ruleType=card_issuer.


A successful request returns a blacklist rule object that represents created blacklist rule.


POST https://api.shift4.com/blacklist


curl https://api.shift4.com/blacklist \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "ruleType=fingerprint" \
	-d "fingerprint=e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7"


	"id" : "blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf",
	"created" : 1429282784,
	"objectType" : "blacklistRule",
	"ruleType" : "fingerprint",
	"fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7"

Retrieve an existing Blacklist Rule

Retrieves an existing blacklist rule object.


BLACKLIST_RULE_ID string, required
Identifier of a blacklist rule object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a blacklist Rule object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/blacklist/{BLACKLIST_RULE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/blacklist/blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf",
	"created" : 1429282784,
	"objectType" : "blacklistRule",
	"ruleType" : "fingerprint",
	"fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7"

Delete a Blacklist Rule

Deletes an existing blacklist rule object.


BLACKLIST_RULE_ID string, required
Identifier of a blacklist rule object that should be deleted.


A successful request returns identifier of a deleted blacklist rule object.


DELETE https://api.shift4.com/blacklist/{BLACKLIST_RULE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/blacklist/blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf",

List Blacklist Rules

Lists blacklist rule objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
Can be used to list deleted objects.
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns a list of blacklist rule objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/blacklist


curl "https://api.shift4.com/blacklist?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "blr_O3y7VyxbszuezuDNjuBsExUf",
			"created" : 1429282784,
			"objectType" : "blacklistRule",
			"ruleType" : "fingerprint",
			"fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true

Checkout Request

Checkout Request is used to define an action that will be executed after the customer has provided his card data in Checkout.

Checkout Request can define either a single charge or an automatically recurring subscription. If you already have customer object that represents your customer, you can include its identifier in Checkout Request so that the created charge or subscription will be automatically assigned to that customer. If the identifier of an existing customer is not provided in Checkout Request then a new customer object will be automatically created.

Creating Checkout Request can be done offline (without the need to communicate with Shift4 servers). All you need to do is to sign the Checkout Request object with your secret key - see signing a Checkout Request.

Checkout Request object


charge object, optional (either charge, subscription or customCharge is required)
Defines charge that will be created by Checkout. Can contain the following attributes:
  • amount (integer, required) - Charge amount in minor units of a given currency
  • currency (string, required) - Charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code
  • capture (boolean, optional, default is true) - Information whether this charge should be immediately captured
  • metadata (metadata object, optional)
For more information about the meaning of these attributes, see charge create request.
subscription object, optional (either charge, subscription or customCharge is required)
Defines the subscription that will be created by Checkout. Can contain the following attributes:
  • planId (string, required) - Identifier of a plan that will be assigned to this subscription
  • captureCharges (boolean, optional, default is true) - Whatever charges created by this subscription will be immediately captured
  • metadata (metadata object, optional)
For more information about the meaning of these attributes see subscription create request.
customCharge object, optional (either charge, subscription or customCharge is required)
Defines the charge with the custom amount that will be selected by the customer in Checkout. Can contain the following attributes:
  • amountOptions (list of integers, either amountOptions or customAmount is required) - List of predefined amounts (in minor units of a given currency) that the customer can choose from.
  • customAmount (object, either amountOptions or customAmount is required) - Object with min and max attributes that defines a valid range for the custom amount that is provided by the customer.
  • currency (string, required) - Charge currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code
  • capture (boolean, optional, default is true) - Information whether this charge should be immediately captured
  • metadata (metadata object, optional)
Providing amountOptions attribute will cause Checkout to have buttons with predefined amounts from which the customer will be able to choose. Providing customAmount attribute will cause Checkout to have the input field where the customer can type any amount (but that amount must be within specified min/max range). Providing both of these attributes at the same time will cause Checkout to have both options - buttons with predefined amounts and the input field to provide any custom amount.
customerId string, optional
Identifier of the existing customer that will be used to create a charge or a subscription.
rememberMe boolean, optional, default is false
"Remember-me" option possible to be preselected in Checkout.
termsAndConditionsUrl string, optional
URL to your terms and conditions page. If provided, the additional page will be shown in Checkout before the payment page. On that page the customer will have to accept your terms and conditions. Additionally, if Checkout Request creates a subscription, then information about a recurring payment is also shown on that page.
threeDSecure object, optional
3D Secure options. Can contain the following attributes:
  • enable (boolean, default is false) - whether 3D secure verification should be attempted
  • requireEnrolledCard (boolean, default is false) - the charge will fail if the card doesn't support 3D Secure (is not enrolled for 3D Secure verification)
  • requireSuccessfulLiabilityShiftForEnrolledCard (boolean, default is true) - the charge will fail when the card supports 3D Secure verification, but that verification was not successful (i.e. customer cancelled the verification or provided invalid information in 3D Secure popup)


	"charge" : {
		"amount" : 499,
		"currency" : "USD"
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"rememberMe" : true

EXAMPLE CHECKOUT REQUEST (with subscription)

	"subscription" : {
		"planId" : "plan_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV"
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"rememberMe" : true

EXAMPLE CHECKOUT REQUEST (with custom charge)

	"customCharge" : {
		"amountOptions" : [100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000],
		"customAmount" : {
			"min" : 100,
			"max" : 5000
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	"rememberMe" : true

Signing a Checkout Request

Checkout Request signature is created using HMAC with SHA256 using Checkout Request JSON and your secret key. A signed Checkout Request is created by concatenating the signature, pipe character (|), and Checkout Request JSON and then encoding it with BASE64.

The complete formula for signing Checkout Request:

$signed_checkout_request = base64( hmac_sha256( $checkout_request, $private_key ) + "|" + $checkout_request )


export checkout_request='{"charge":{"amount":499,"currency":"USD"}}'
export signature=`echo -n "$checkout_request" | openssl dgst -sha256 -hmac 'pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa' | sed 's/^.* //'`
echo -n "$signature|$checkout_request" | base64




Credit represents funds transferred to a card.

This feature is available for selected business models only. Please contact [email protected] to find out more.

Credit object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "credit")
amount integer, required
Credit amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Credit currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
description string
Card that was used to create this credit.
customerId string
Identifier of the customer who is the owner of this credit or null if this credit is not associated with any customer.
threeDSecureInfo object
Additional data present if card used to create this credit was verified with 3D Secure. Can contain following attributes:
  • amount (integer) - amount in minor units that was used in 3D Secure
  • currency (string) - currency that was used in 3D Secure (represented as a three-letter ISO currency code)
  • enrolled (boolean) - information on whether the card used to create this charge supports 3D Secure
  • liabilityShift (string) - can have one of the following values:
    pending - 3D Secure was not started or is in progress
    successful - 3D Secure was completed successfully
    failed - 3D Secure is supported, but was not completed successfully
    not_possible - 3D Secure is not supported
  • authenticationFlow (string) - can have one of the following values:
    frictionless - Issuer authenticated the customer via the frictionless flow.
    challenge - Issuer authenticated the customer by showing a challenge window.
receiver object, optional
Can contain following attributes:
  • firstName (string)
  • lastName (string)
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string)
    • line2 (string)
    • zip (string)
    • city (string)
    • state (string) - state or province. Required for the following countries: AU, CA, DE, US
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
merchantAccountId string
Identifier of the merchant account that was used to create this credit.
metadata metadata object
failureCode string
Error code that describes why the credit has failed. Only present in failed credits. For the list of possible values see code attribute in error object.
failureMessage string
Human-readable message that describes why the credit has failed. Only present in failed credits.
failureIssuerDeclineCode string
Code supplied by the issuer describing why the credit has failed.
fast boolean
Indicates whether the credit has been made using the fast method.


	"id" : "cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "credit",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example credit",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH",
	  "fastCredit" : {
	    "supported" : true,
	    "updated" : 1415811511
	"customerId" : null,
	"fast" : true,
	"metadata" : {}

Create a new Credit

Creates a new credit object.

If you are in test mode, then provided card won't receive any funds, although everything else will work the same as in live mode.

This feature is available for selected business models only. Please contact [email protected] to find out more.


amount integer, required
Credit amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string, required
Credit currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
description string, optional
customerId string, optional (either customerId or card is required)
Identifier of the customer that will be associated with this credit. This field is required if the credit is being created with the customer's existing card. If specified, the successful charge created with the new card will add that card to the customer's cards and the card will be set as the default one.
card card token, card details or card identifier, optional (either customerId or card is required)
Can be one of the following:
  • card token (for example obtained from Components)
  • card details (same as in card create request)
  • card identifier (must be an existing card that is associated with the customer specified in customerId field)
If the card is not provided, then the customer's default card will be used.
receiver object, optional
Can contain following attributes:
  • firstName (string)
  • lastName (string)
  • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
    • line1 (string)
    • line2 (string)
    • zip (string)
    • city (string)
    • state (string) - state or province. Required for the following countries: AU, CA, DE, US
    • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
merchantAccountId string, optional
Identifier of the merchant account that will be used to create this credit.
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a credit object that represents the created credit.


POST https://api.shift4.com/credits


curl https://api.shift4.com/credits \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "amount=499" \
	-d "currency=USD" \
	-d "customerId=cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R" \
	-d "card=tok_NGsyDoJQXop5Pqqi6HizbJTe" \
	-d "description=Example credit"


	"id" : "cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "credit",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example credit",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"
	"customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R"

Retrieve an existing Credit

Retrieves an existing credit object.

This feature is available for selected business models only. Please contact [email protected] to find out more.


CREDIT_ID string, required
Identifier of the credit object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a credit object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/credits/{CREDIT_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/credits/cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "credit",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "Example credit",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"

Update an existing Credit

Update an existing credit object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.

This feature is available for selected business models only. Please contact [email protected] to find out more.


CREDIT_ID string, required
Identifier of the credit object that should be updated.
customerId string, required
Identifier of the customer that will be associated with this credit. Updating this field is only possible for the credit that is not assigned to any other customer. Assigning a successful credit to the customer will add the card used to create that credit to the customer's cards and will set this card as the customer's default one.
description string, optional
metadata metadata object, optional


A successful request returns a credit object that was updated.


POST https://api.shift4.com/credits/{CREDIT_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/credits/cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "description=New description"


	"id" : "cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "credit",
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"description" : "New description",
	"card" : {
	  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
	  "created" : 1415810511,
	  "objectType" : "card",
	  "first6" : "424242",
	  "last4" : "4242",
	  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
	  "expMonth" : "11",
	  "expYear" : "2027",
	  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
	  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
	  "brand" : "Visa",
	  "type" : "Credit Card",
	  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
	  "country" : "CH"

List Credit

List credit objects.

This feature is available for selected business models only. Please contact [email protected] to find out more.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
customerId string, optional
Returns only credits associated with the given customer.


A successful request returns a list of credit objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/credits


curl "https://api.shift4.com/credits?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "cr_OwM7B3WWha5SIfjNSw2eUqVb",
			"created" : 1415810511,
			"objectType" : "credit",
			"amount" : 499,
			"currency" : "USD",
			"description" : "Example credit",
			"card" : {
			  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
			  "created" : 1415810511,
			  "objectType" : "card",
			  "first6" : "424242",
			  "last4" : "4242",
			  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
			  "expMonth" : "11",
			  "expYear" : "2027",
			  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
			  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
			  "brand" : "Visa",
			  "type" : "Credit Card",
			  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
			  "country" : "CH"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true


Dispute is created when a customer questions your charge with their bank or the credit card company. When this happens, you have an opportunity to respond by providing evidence that the charge is legitimate.

Dispute object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "dispute")
updated timestamp
amount integer
Dispute amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Dispute currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
status string
Current status of this dispute. Possible values are:
  • RETRIEVAL_REQUEST_NEW - retrieval request, response needed
  • RETRIEVAL_REQUEST_RESPONSE_UNDER_REVIEW - retrieval request, response under review
  • RETRIEVAL_REQUEST_REPRESENTED - retrieval request, successfully represented
  • CHARGEBACK_NEW - chargeback, response needed
  • CHARGEBACK_RESPONSE_UNDER_REVIEW - chargeback, response under review
reason string
acceptedAsLost boolean
Information on whether this dispute is closed and as a result of it, automatically lost.
charge charge object
Charge associated with this dispute.
Evidence object that was created for this dispute.
evidenceDetails object
  • hasEvidence (boolean)
  • submissionCount (integer)
  • dueBy (timestamp)
  • pastDue (boolean)


	"id" : "disp_GOqyiOF9575FUYMZ73gjNrcY",
	"created" : 1489571590,
	"objectType" : "dispute",
	"updated" : 1489571590,
	"amount" : 1000,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
	"reason" : "GENERAL",
	"acceptedAsLost" : false,
	"charge" : {
		"id" : "char_wPLWar517f4YeEhlLwxGs8u6",
		"created" : 1489571590,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 0,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"card" : {
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : true
	"evidence" : {
		"productDescription" : "Exclusive black shoes",
		"customer_communication" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"
	"evidenceDetails" : {
		"hasEvidence" : true,
		"submissionCount" : 1

Dispute Evidence object


productDescription string
A description of a product or service purchased by the customer including any details provided to the customer at the time of purchase.
customer Name string
The name of the customer.
customerEmail string
Customer's email address provided during the purchasing process.
customerPurchaseIp string
The IP address used by the customer while purchasing.
customerSignature id of file upload
A scanned image or a photo of a document showing the customer's signature.
billingAddress string
The billing address provided by the customer in the purchasing process.
receipt id of file upload
Receipts and messages sent to the customer with the charge notification.
customerCommunication id of file upload
Any communication with a customer that can help you win the dispute. These could be emails with proof of receiving the product or confirmation that the service was provided to the customer on the specified date.
serviceDate string
The date on which a customer received the purchased service, displayed in a human-readable format.
serviceDocumentation id of file upload
The documentation proving that the service was provided to the customer. It could be a copy of a signed contract, etc.
duplicateChargeId string
The ID of the duplicated charge.
duplicateChargeDocumentation id of file upload
Any documents with proof that there were two or more separated transactions. Include shipping details, receipt, packing list, etc.
duplicateChargeExplanation string
Any information indicating that transactions were separated to prove that the prior charge wasn't duplicated.
refundPolicy id of file upload
Your refund policy, as shown to the customer.
refundPolicyDisclosure string
An explanation showing how and when the customer agreed to your refund policy.
refundRefusalExplanation string
An explanation of why the customer is not entitled to a refund.
cancellationPolicy id of file upload
Your subscription cancellation policy, as shown to the customer.
cancellationPolicyDisclosure string
An explanation of how and when the customer agreed to your cancellation policy.
cancellationRefusalExplanation string
An explanation showing that the customer continued using the product after the date they claimed to have stopped using it.
accessActivityLogs id of file upload
Any evidence of the customer's activity after the date they claim to have cancelled the subscription, such as server or activity logs, IP addresses, etc.
shippingAddress string
The shipping address to which a physical product was delivered. To maximize your chances of winning the dispute, the address should match a verified billing address.
shippingDate string
The date on which a physical product began its route to the shipping address, displayed in a human-readable format and prior to the date of the dispute.
shippingCarrier string
The name of the delivery service that shipped a physical product, eg. UPS, FedEx. If there are multiple carriers for the purchase, separate them with commas.
shippingTrackingNumber string
The number given by the delivery service for a physical product. If there are multiple tracking numbers for one purchase, separate them with commas.
shippingDocumentation id of file upload
Documentation with proof that cardholder received a product at the address provided in the purchasing process. This could be a document with the full shipping address, such as the shipment receipt, etc.
uncategorizedText string
An explanation with further evidence that doesn't fit into any of the fields provided above.
uncategorizedFile id of file upload
Any files or documents with further evidence that doesn't fit into any of the fields provided above.


	"productDescription" : null,
	"customerName" : null,
	"customerEmail" : null,
	"customerPurchaseIp" : null,
	"customerSignature" : null,
	"billingAddress" : null,
	"receipt" : null,
	"customerCommunication" : null,
	"serviceDate" : null,
	"serviceDocumentation" : null,
	"duplicateChargeId" : null,
	"duplicateChargeDocumentation" : null,
	"duplicateChargeExplanation" : null,
	"refundPolicy" : null,
	"refundPolicyDisclosure" : null,
	"refundRefusalExplanation" : null,
	"cancellationPolicy" : null,
	"cancellationPolicyDisclosure" : null,
	"cancellationRefusalExplanation" : null,
	"accessActivityLogs" : null,
	"shippingAddress" : null,
	"shippingDate" : null,
	"shippingCarrier" : null,
	"shippingTrackingNumber" : null,
	"shippingDocumentation" : null,
	"uncategorizedText" : null,
	"uncategorizedFile" : null

Retrieve an existing Dispute

Retrieves an existing dispute object.


DISPUTE_ID string, required
Identifier of the dispute object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a dispute object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/disputes/{DISPUTE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/disputes/disp_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "disp_GOqyiOF9575FUYMZ73gjNrcY",
	"created" : 1489571590,
	"objectType" : "dispute",
	"updated" : 1489571590,
	"amount" : 1000,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
	"reason" : "GENERAL",
	"acceptedAsLost" : false,
	"charge" : {
		"id" : "char_wPLWar517f4YeEhlLwxGs8u6",
		"created" : 1489571590,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 0,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"card" : {
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : true
	"evidence" : {
		"productDescription" : "Exclusive black shoes",
		"customer_communication" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"
	"evidenceDetails" : {
		"hasEvidence" : true,
		"submissionCount" : 1

Update an existing Dispute

Updates an existing dispute object.

Any not provided parameter will be left unchanged.


DISPUTE_ID string, required
Identifier of the dispute object that should be updated.
submit boolean, optional (default is true)
If true evidence would be submitted for review.
evidence dispute evidence object, optional
Updating any attribute in evidence will submit all fields for review, unless submit=false is specified. Can have following attributes:
  • productDescription (string, optional)
  • customerName (string, optional)
  • customerEmail (string, optional)
  • customerPurchaseIp (string, optional)
  • customerSignature (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • billingAddress (string, optional)
  • receipt (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • customerCommunication (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • serviceDate (string, optional)
  • serviceDocumentation (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • duplicateChargeId (string, optional) - id of charge
  • duplicateChargeDocumentation (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • duplicateChargeExplanation (string, optional)
  • refundPolicy (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • refundPolicyDisclosure (string, optional)
  • refundRefusalExplanation (string, optional)
  • cancellationPolicy (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • cancellationPolicyDisclosure (string, optional)
  • cancellationRefusalExplanation (string, optional)
  • accessActivityLogs (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • shippingAddress (string, optional)
  • shippingDate (string, optional)
  • shippingCarrier (string, optional)
  • shippingTrackingNumber (string, optional)
  • shippingDocumentation (string, optional) - id of file upload
  • uncategorizedText (string, optional)
  • uncategorizedFile (string, optional) - id of file upload

Size sum of all file uploads in evidence cannot exceed 8,2MB.


Successful request returns a dispute object.


POST https://api.shift4.com/disputes/{DISPUTE_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/disputes/disp_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
	-d "evidence[productDescription]=Exclusive black shoes" \
	-d "evidence[customerCommunication]=file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"


	"id" : "disp_GOqyiOF9575FUYMZ73gjNrcY",
	"created" : 1489571590,
	"objectType" : "dispute",
	"updated" : 1489571590,
	"amount" : 1000,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
	"reason" : "GENERAL",
	"acceptedAsLost" : false,
	"charge" : {
		"id" : "char_wPLWar517f4YeEhlLwxGs8u6",
		"created" : 1489571590,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 0,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"card" : {
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : true
	"evidence" : {
		"productDescription" : "Exclusive black shoes",
		"customer_communication" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"
	"evidenceDetails" : {
		"hasEvidence" : true,
		"submissionCount" : 1

Close an existing Dispute

Closing the dispute indicates that you do not want to submit any further evidence and acknowledge it as lost.


DISPUTE_ID string, required
Identifier of the dispute object that should be closed.


A successful request returns identifier of the closed dispute object.


POST https://api.shift4.com/disputes/{DISPUTE_ID}/close


curl https://api.shift4.com/disputes/disp_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj/close \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \


	"id" : "disp_GOqyiOF9575FUYMZ73gjNrcY",
	"created" : 1489571590,
	"objectType" : "dispute",
	"updated" : 1489571590,
	"amount" : 1000,
	"currency" : "USD",
	"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
	"reason" : "GENERAL",
	"acceptedAsLost" : false,
	"charge" : {
		"id" : "char_wPLWar517f4YeEhlLwxGs8u6",
		"created" : 1489571590,
		"objectType" : "charge",
		"amount" : 0,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"card" : {
		  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
		  "created" : 1415810511,
		  "objectType" : "card",
		  "first6" : "424242",
		  "last4" : "4242",
		  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
		  "expMonth" : "11",
		  "expYear" : "2027",
		  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
		  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
		  "brand" : "Visa",
		  "type" : "Credit Card",
		  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
		  "country" : "CH"
		"captured" : true,
		"refunded" : false,
		"disputed" : true
	"evidence" : {
		"productDescription" : "Exclusive black shoes",
		"customer_communication" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"
	"evidenceDetails" : {
		"hasEvidence" : true,
		"submissionCount" : 1

List Disputes

Lists dispute objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns list of a dispute object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/disputes


curl https://api.shift4.com/disputes \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list": [{
		"id" : "disp_GOqyiOF9575FUYMZ73gjNrcY",
		"created" : 1489571590,
		"objectType" : "dispute",
		"updated" : 1489571590,
		"amount" : 1000,
		"currency" : "USD",
		"status" : "CHARGEBACK_NEW",
		"reason" : "GENERAL",
		"acceptedAsLost" : false,
		"charge" : {
			"id" : "char_wPLWar517f4YeEhlLwxGs8u6",
			"created" : 1489571590,
			"objectType" : "charge",
			"amount" : 0,
			"currency" : "USD",
			"card" : {
			  "id" : "card_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",
			  "created" : 1415810511,
			  "objectType" : "card",
			  "first6" : "424242",
			  "last4" : "4242",
			  "fingerprint" : "e3d8suyIDgFg3pE7",
			  "expMonth" : "11",
			  "expYear" : "2027",
			  "cardholderName" : "John Doe",
			  "customerId" : "cust_AoR0wvgntQWRUYMdZNLYMz5R",
			  "brand" : "Visa",
			  "type" : "Credit Card",
			  "issuer" : "Card Issuer Name",
			  "country" : "CH"
			"captured" : true,
			"refunded" : false,
			"disputed" : true
		"evidence" : {
			"productDescription" : "Exclusive black shoes",
			"customer_communication" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj"
		"evidenceDetails" : {
			"hasEvidence" : true,
			"submissionCount" : 1

File Uploads

File Upload objects are created by uploading a binary file (like an image or PDF document) to Shift4. Such an uploaded file can then be used in other API requests by providing its identifier.

Note that for the file upload API a different API endpoint must be used: https://uploads.api.shift4.com.

File Upload object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "file_upload")
purpose string
Purpose of this file object. Possible values are: dispute_evidence.
size integer
Size of uploaded file in bytes.
string Type of this file object. Possible values are: pdf, jpg, png.
url string
Read-only URL from which this file can be downloaded.


	"id" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "file_upload",
	"purpose" : "dispute_evidence",
	"size" : 28461,
	"type" : "jpg"

Create a File Upload

Creates a new file upload object.


file multipart file, required
File size should not exceed 8MB (8388608 bytes).
purpose string, required
Purpose of this file object. Possible values are: dispute_evidence


A successful request returns a file upload object that represents the uploaded file.


POST https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files


curl https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
    -F "purpose=dispute_evidence" \
    -F file="@example-file.jpg"


	"id" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "file_upload",
	"purpose" : "dispute_evidence",
	"size" : 28461,
	"type" : "jpg"

Retrieve an existing File Upload

Retrieves an existing file upload object.


FILE_UPLOAD_ID string, required
Identifier of the file upload object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a file upload object.


GET https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files/{FILE_UPLOAD_ID}


curl https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files/file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj",
	"created" : 1415810511,
	"objectType" : "file_upload",
	"purpose" : "dispute_evidence",
	"size" : 28461,
	"type" : "jpg"

List File Uploads

Lists file upload objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
purpose string, optional
Returns only file uploads with a given purpose.


A successful request returns the list of a file upload object.


GET https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files


curl https://uploads.api.shift4.com/files?limit=2


	"hasMore": false,
	"list": [{
		"id" : "file_2nayTQXBBjaVEPVtCwGCbqOj",
		"created" : 1415810511,
		"objectType" : "file_upload",
		"purpose" : "dispute_evidence",
		"size" : 28461,
		"type" : "jpg"

Fraud Warnings

Fraud Warning represents information received from the card issuer regarding the charge.

Fraud Warning object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "fraud_warning")
charge charge object
Charge associated with this fraud warning.
actionable boolean
Fraud warning is actionable if the associated charge is not fully refunded or disputed.


	"id" : "fw_O7FRMgfC5g9BFqjEFepcB07J",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"objectType" : "fraud_warning",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"actionable" : true

Retrieve an existing Fraud Warning

Retrieves an existing fraud warning object.


FRAUD_WARNING_ID string, required
Identifier of the fraud warning object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a fraud warning object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/fraud-warnings/{FRAUD_WARNING_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/fraud-warnings/fw_O7FRMgfC5g9BFqjEFepcB07J \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "fw_O7FRMgfC5g9BFqjEFepcB07J",
	"created" : 1609325894,
	"objectType" : "fraud_warning",
	"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
	"actionable" : true

List Fraud Warnings

Lists fraud warning objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
chargeId string, optional
Identifier of the charge object for which fraud warnings should be listed.
actionable boolean, optional
Can be used to list only actionable fraud warnings (see actionable in fraud warning object).


A successful request returns a list of fraud-warning objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/fraud-warnings


curl "https://api.shift4.com/fraud-warnings" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "fw_O7FRMgfC5g9BFqjEFepcB07J",
			"created" : 1609325894,
			"objectType" : "fraud_warning",
			"charge" : "char_ZNmWK4pUECfFQTY0N4WMKeh3",
			"actionable" : true
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true


Payout represents details of funds received from the acquirer. They are made on varying schedules, depending on your acquirer.

Payout object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "payout")
amount integer
Payout transfer amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
periodStart timestamp
Timestamp of the payout period start.
periodEnd timestamp
Timestamp of the payout period end.
currency string
Payout transfer currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
merchantAccountId string, optional
Identifier of the merchant account that was used to create this payout.


	"id" : "po_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1413561422,
	"objectType" : "payout",
	"periodEnd" : 1413325441,
	"periodStart" : 1413012367,
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD"

Retrieve an existing Payout

Retrieves an existing payout object.


PAYOUT_ID string, required
Identifier of the payout object that should be retrieved.


A successful request returns a payout object.


GET https://api.shift4.com/payouts/{PAYOUT_ID}


curl https://api.shift4.com/payouts/po_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "po_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1413561422,
	"objectType" : "payout",
	"periodEnd" : 1413325441,
	"periodStart" : 1413012367,
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD"

List Payouts

Lists payout objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


A successful request returns a list of payout objects.

Results are sorted by payout date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/payouts


curl "https://api.shift4.com/payouts?limit=3" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
			"id" : "po_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
			"created" : 1413561422,
			"objectType" : "payout",
			"periodEnd" : 1413325441,
			"periodStart" : 1413012367,
			"amount" : 499,
			"currency" : "USD"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true

Payout transaction object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "payout_transaction")
type string
Type of this transaction. Possible values are: charge, refund, credit, chargeback, chargeback_represented, reserve_withhold, reserve_release, acquirer_fee or adjustment.
amount integer
Payout transaction amount in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
fee integer
Payout transaction related fee sum in minor units of a given currency. For example, 10€ is represented as "1000" and 10¥ is represented as "10".
currency string
Payout transaction currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code.
source (optional) string
Related object id.
description (optional) string
Additional info from the acquirer about the transaction.
exchangeRate (optional) double
Exchange rate used when converting from transaction currency to payout currency.


    "id" : "pot_Y8x0X5d5zoRj6uI26vibFwkz",
    "created" : 1604620800,
    "objectType" : "payout_transaction",
    "type" : "charge",
    "amount" : 413,
    "currency" : "USD",
    "fee" : 39,
    "source" : "char_1jmzPboimq0IDwz8zLXdX9qw",
    "payout" : "po_gb48tN1UdWznKQHexcAAlbkK"

List Payout transactions

List payout transaction objects.


created object, optional
Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
  • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
  • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
  • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
  • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
limit integer, optional (default is 10)
Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
startingAfterId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
endingBeforeId string, optional
Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.
payout string, optional if source argument present
Only transactions included in the payout will be returned
source string, optional if payout argument present
Only transactions related to the source will be returned


A successful request returns a list of payout transaction objects.

Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


GET https://api.shift4.com/payout-transactions


curl "https://api.shift4.com/payout-transactions?payout=po_gb48tN1UdWznKQHexcAAlbkK" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"list" : [
    "id" : "pot_Y8x0X5d5zoRj6uI26vibFwkz",
    "created" : 1604620800,
    "objectType" : "payout_transaction",
    "type" : "charge",
    "amount" : 413,
    "currency" : "USD",
    "fee" : 39,
    "source" : "char_1jmzPboimq0IDwz8zLXdX9qw",
    "payout" : "po_gb48tN1UdWznKQHexcAAlbkK"
		{ ... },
		{ ... }
	"hasMore" : true

Create a Payout

Creates test Payout based on test mode charges, refunds, chargebacks and credits.


A successful request returns payout object.


POST https://api.shift4.com/payouts


curl -X POST "https://api.shift4.com/payouts" \
	-u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


	"id" : "po_bLu3vzO8yhAFhbxFEadm6HUV",
	"created" : 1413561422,
	"objectType" : "payout",
	"periodEnd" : 1413325441,
	"periodStart" : 1413012367,
	"amount" : 499,
	"currency" : "USD"

Payment Method

Payment Method represents an alternative payment method different from the card payments.

Payment Methods object can be used to define details of the payment method that will be used during payments.

Payment Method object


id string
created timestamp
objectType string (value is always "payment_method")
customerId string
Identifier of the customer that is the owner of this payment method.
type string
The type of the payment method. For the selected payment method type it will be alipayapple_paybancontactbitpayblikboletoepsestonianbanksgoogle_payideallatvianbankslithuanianbanksmaximamultibancomybankp24paypostpaysafecardpaysafecashpayserapayuperlasskrillthree_d_securetrustlyunionpayverkkopankkiwechatpay
status Status of payment method.
Possible values are:
  • chargeable - Payment Method is ready to be used to create a charge.
  • pending - Payment Method setup process is in progress.
  • failed - setup process of the Payment Method failed.
  • used - payment method was already charged and cannot be reused.
applePay object
Details specific to payment method of type apple_pay. Can contain the following attributes:
  • amount (integer) - amount for which Apple Pay token was created
  • currency (string) - currency for which Apple Pay token was created
  • first6 (string) - first 6 numbers of device-specific account number of the card used in Apple Pay
  • last4 (string) - last 4 numbers of device-specific account number of the card used in Apple Pay
  • cardBrand (string) - brand of the card used in Apple Pay. Possible values are: Visa,American Express,MasterCard,Discover,JCB,Diners Club,Unknown
  • cardType (string) - type of the card used in Apple Pay. Possible values are: Credit Card,Debit Card,Unknown
googlePay object
Details specific to payment method of type google_pay. Can contain the following attributes:
  • first6 (string) - first 6 numbers of device-specific account number of the card used in Apple Pay
  • last4 (string) - last 4 numbers of device-specific account number of the card used in Apple Pay
  • cardBrand (string) - brand of the card used in Google Pay™. Possible values are: Visa,American Express,MasterCard,Discover,JCB,Diners Club,Unknown
  • cardType (string) - type of the card used in Google Pay™. Possible values are: Credit Card,Debit Card,Unknown
source object
Full Payment Method Object that was used as source for three_d_secure Payment Method. At the moment only supported source is Payment Method of type google_pay.
threeDSecure object
  • amount (integer) - amount for which ThreeDSecure was created
  • currency (string) - currency for which ThreeDSecure was created
  • flow object
    Specifies what actions (if any) must be taken to complete the payment process. Can contain the following attributes:
    • nextAction (string) - one of the following options:
      • three_d_secure - three_d_secure has to be perform on this Payment Method
      • none
    billing object
    Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
    • name (string) - name of billed person or company
    • email (string) - email of billed person or company
    • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
      • line1 (string) - address first line
      • line2 (string) - address second line
      • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
      • city (string) - city or town
      • state (string) - state or province
      • country (string) - country represented as a wo-letter ISO country code
    • phone (string) - phone of billed person or company
    • vat (string) - tax identification number
    fraudCheckData object
    Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain the following attributes:
    • ipAddress (string) - IP address of the user
    • ipCountry (string) - country derived from the user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
    • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
    • phone (string) - phone number of the user
    • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
    • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
    • browserFingerprint (string) - hashed device identifier, available if Shift4.js was used to create Token


      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "alipay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CN"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "apple_pay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "applePay" : {
        "first6" : "424242",
        "last4" : "4242",
        "amount" : 1000,
        "currency" : "USD"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "bancontact",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "BE"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "bitpay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "blik",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "PL"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "boleto",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "BR"
        "vat" : "999.999.999-99",
        "email" : "[email protected]"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "eps",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "estonianbanks",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "EE"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "google_pay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "googlePay" : {
        "cardBrand" : "Visa",
        "cardType" : "Debit Card",
        "first6" : "424242",
        "last4" : "4242"
      "flow" : {
        "nextAction" : "none"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "ideal",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "NL"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "latvianbanks",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LV"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "lithuanianbanks",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "maxima",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "multibanco",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "PT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "mybank",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "IT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "p24",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "PL"
        "email" : "[email protected]"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paypost",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysafecard",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysafecash",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysera",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "EE"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "payu",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CZ"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "perlas",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
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      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "skrill",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
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      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
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      "type" : "three_d_secure",
      "status" : "pending",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "threeDSecure" : {
        "amount" : 1000,
        "currency" : "USD"
      "source" : {
        "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
        "created" : 1415810511,
        "objectType" : "payment_method",
        "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
        "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
        "type" : "google_pay",
        "status" : "chargeable",
        "billing" : {
          "address" : {
            "country" : "US"
        "googlePay" : {
          "cardBrand" : "Visa",
          "cardType" : "Debit Card",
          "first6" : "424242",
          "last4" : "4242"
        "flow" : {
          "nextAction" : "none"
      "flow" : {
        "nextAction" : "three_d_secure"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "trustly",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "unionpay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
        "email" : "[email protected]"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "verkkopankki",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "FI"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "wechatpay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CN"

    Create a new Payment Method

    Creates a new payment method object.


    string, required
    The type of the payment method. Should have value: alipayapple_paybancontactbitpayblikboletoepsestonianbanksgoogle_payideallatvianbankslithuanianbanksmaximamultibancomybankp24paypostpaysafecardpaysafecashpayserapayuperlasskrillthree_d_securetrustlyunionpayverkkopankkiwechatpay
    string, required
    Identifier of the customer that will be associated with this payment method.
    object, required
    Details specific to payment method of type apple_pay. Can contain the following attributes:
    • token (object, required) - Apple Pay token
    object, required
    Details specific to payment method of type google_pay. Can contain the following attributes:
    • token (string, required) - Google Pay™ token
    object, required
    Details specific to payment method of type three_d_secure. Can contain the following attributes:
    • amount (integer, required) - amount in minor units of a given currency
    • currency (string, required) - currency represented as a three-letter ISO currency code
    string, required
    Identifier of the Payment Method that will be a source of data for the 3DS process. Source Payment Method has to be of type google_pay
    object, required
    Billing details. Can contain the following attributes:
    • name (string, required) - name of billed person or company
    • email (string, required) - email of billed person or company
    • address (object) - address object, can contain the following attributes:
      • line1 (string) - address first line
      • line2 (string) - address second line
      • zip (string) - ZIP (postal) code
      • city (string) - city or town
      • state (string) - state or province
      • country (string) - country represented as a two-letter ISO country code
    • vat (string, required) - tax identification number: CPF or CNPJ
    fraudCheckData object
    Additional data used for fraud protection. Can contain the following attributes:
    • ipAddress (string, required if ach.verificationProvider=none) - IP address of the user
    • ipCountry (string) - country derived from the user's IP address (represented as two-letter ISO country code)
    • email (string) - e-mail address of the user
    • phone (string) - phone number of the user
    • userAgent (string) - value of "User-Agent" HTTP header that was sent by the user
    • acceptLanguage (string) - value of "Accept-Language" HTTP header that was sent by the user
    • browserFingerprint (string) - hashed device identifier, available if Shift4.js was used to create Token


    A successful request returns a payment method object that represents the created payment method.


    POST https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods


    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=alipay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=CN' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=apple_pay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'applePay.token={ "data": "TEST_TOKEN:1000USD" }'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=bancontact' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=BE'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=bitpay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=blik' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=PL' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=boleto' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=BR' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg' \
      -d '[email protected]' \
      -d 'billing.vat=999.999.999-99'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=eps' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=AT'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=estonianbanks' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=EE' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=google_pay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'googlePay.token=PAN_ONLY'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=ideal' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=NL'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=latvianbanks' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=LV' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=lithuanianbanks' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=LT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=maxima' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=LT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=multibanco' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=PT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=mybank' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=IT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=p24' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=PL' \
      -d '[email protected]'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=paypost' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=LT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=paysafecard' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=AT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=paysafecash' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=AT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=paysera' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=EE' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=payu' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=CZ' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=perlas' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=LT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=skrill' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=three_d_secure' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'source=pm_aokF87jdbkjCADkihesRk1kX' \
      -d 'threeDSecure.amount=1000' \
      -d 'threeDSecure.currency=USD'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=trustly' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=AT' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=unionpay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=US' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg' \
      -d '[email protected]'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=verkkopankki' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=FI' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'
    curl -X POST 'https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods' \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -d 'type=wechatpay' \
      -d 'customerId=cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl' \
      -d 'billing.address.country=CN' \
      -d 'billing.name=Werner Heisenberg'


      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
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      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
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      "billing" : {
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      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
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      "created" : 1415810511,
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      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CN"

    Retrieve an existing Payment Method

    Retrieves an existing payment method object.


    PAYMENT_METHOD_ID string, required
    Identifier of the payment method object that should be retrieved.


    A successful request returns a payment method object.


    GET https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods/{PAYMENT_METHOD_ID}


    curl https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods/pm_8HeqP7ZurLKhBPknC5e6sR85 \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


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        "address" : {
          "country" : "IT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "p24",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "PL"
        "email" : "[email protected]"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paypost",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysafecard",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysafecash",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "paysera",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "EE"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "payu",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CZ"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "perlas",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "LT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "skrill",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "three_d_secure",
      "status" : "pending",
      "billing" : {
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
      "threeDSecure" : {
        "amount" : 1000,
        "currency" : "USD"
      "source" : {
        "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
        "created" : 1415810511,
        "objectType" : "payment_method",
        "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
        "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
        "type" : "google_pay",
        "status" : "chargeable",
        "billing" : {
          "address" : {
            "country" : "US"
        "googlePay" : {
          "cardBrand" : "Visa",
          "cardType" : "Debit Card",
          "first6" : "424242",
          "last4" : "4242"
        "flow" : {
          "nextAction" : "none"
      "flow" : {
        "nextAction" : "three_d_secure"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "trustly",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "AT"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "unionpay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "US"
        "email" : "[email protected]"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "verkkopankki",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "FI"
      "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "created" : 1415810511,
      "objectType" : "payment_method",
      "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
      "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
      "type" : "wechatpay",
      "status" : "chargeable",
      "billing" : {
        "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
        "address" : {
          "country" : "CN"

    Delete a Payment Method

    Deletes an existing payment method object.

    If you delete the payment method that is set as the default one, then the most recently added payment method will be used as the new default payment method.
    If you delete the last payment method then the default payment method will be set to null and, if present, the most recently added card will be set as the default card.


    PAYMENT_METHOD string, required
    Identifier of the payment method object that should be deleted.


    A successful request returns identifier of the deleted payment method object.


    DELETE https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods/{PAYMENT_METHOD_ID}


    curl https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods/pm_8HeqP7ZurLKhBPknC5e6sR85 \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa: \
      -X DELETE


        "id" : "pm_8P7OWXA5xiTS1ISnyZcum1KV",

    List Payment Methods

    Lists payment method objects for a given customer.


    customerId string, required
    Identifier of the customer object whose payment methods should be listed.
    created object, optional
    Filter results based on value of created attribute. Can have following attributes:
    • gt - return objects created after given timestamp
    • gte - return objects created after or exactly on given timestamp
    • lt - return objects created before given timestamp
    • lte - return objects created before or exactly on given timestamp
    deleted boolean, optional (default is false)
    Can be used to list deleted objects.
    limit integer, optional (default is 10)
    Limits the number of returned objects. The limit must be between 1 and 100.
    startingAfterId string, optional
    Cursor used for pagination (getting the next page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the last object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with startingAfterId=some-example-id to get the next page of that list.
    endingBeforeId string, optional
    Cursor used for pagination (getting the previous page). For example, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, where the first object has id=some-example-id - then you can make another request with endingBeforeId=some-example-id to get the previous page of that list.


    A successful request returns a list of payment method objects.

    Results are sorted by creation date, with the most recent objects first.


    GET https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods


    curl "https://api.shift4.com/payment-methods?limit=3" \
      -u pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa:


    	"list" : [
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    		  "created" : 1415810511,
    		  "objectType" : "payment_method",
    		  "clientObjectId" : "client_pm_kjdS8DSj73DSkjhKJHDKSAna",
    		  "customerId" : "cust_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
    		  "type" : "alipay",
    		  "status" : "chargeable",
    		  "billing" : {
    		    "name" : "Werner Heisenberg",
    		    "address" : {
    		      "country" : "CN"
    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
    	"hasMore" : false
    	"list" : [
    		  "id" : "pm_BokS87jDShjASDkjhdsak4kl",
    		  "created" : 1415810511,
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    		  "type" : "apple_pay",
    		  "status" : "chargeable",
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    		  "applePay" : {
    		    "first6" : "424242",
    		    "last4" : "4242",
    		    "amount" : 1000,
    		    "currency" : "USD"
    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
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    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
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    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
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    		{ ... },
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    		{ ... },
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    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
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    		{ ... },
    		{ ... }
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    		{ ... },
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