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Custom Form with 3D Secure

Custom Form enables you to seamlessly integrate card payments directly on your website.

With Custom Form, you have full control over the look and feel of your payment flow, but if you need a faster and easier integration, you can always use Checkout.

This example shows Custom Form with 3D Secure verification enabled.

Use these card details to test different scenarios

Enrolled for 3-D Secure 2
4012 0018 0000 0016
Not enrolled for 3-D Secure
4242 4242 4242 4242

	public class ExamplesController {

		private static final String PRIVATE_KEY = "pr_test_tXHm9qV9qV9bjIRHcQr9PLPa";

		@RequestMapping(value = "/examples/custom-form-with-3d-secure", method = GET)
		public String customForm(Model model) {
			return "examples/custom-form";

		@RequestMapping(value = "/examples/custom-form-with-3d-secure/payment", method = POST)
		public String customFormSubmit(Model model,
			@RequestParam String tokenId, @RequestParam boolean requireEnrolledCard,
			@RequestParam boolean requireSuccessfulLiabilityShift) throws IOException {
			model.addAttribute("tokenId", tokenId);

			try (Shift4Gateway shift4Gateway = new Shift4Gateway(PRIVATE_KEY)) {
				ThreeDSecureRequest threeDSecureRequest = new ThreeDSecureRequest()

				ChargeRequest request = new ChargeRequest()
						.card(new CardRequest(tokenId));

				Charge charge = securionPayGateway.createCharge(request);

				model.addAttribute("chargeId", charge.getId());

			} catch (Shift4Exception e) {
				model.addAttribute("errorType", e.getType());
				model.addAttribute("errorCode", e.getCode());
				model.addAttribute("errorMessage", e.getMessage());

				model.addAttribute("chargeId", e.getChargeId());

			return "examples/custom-form";